Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ashley and Trent Wedding Extravaganza: Big Day!

It's so weird that on big days, sleep doesn't seem to happen the night before. Ashely and I stayed up late painting our toe nails and doing some last minute physical/mental/spiritual preparation for the big day. It was really fun to bond like that with her :) I soaked in being the last person to be with her the night before she is swept away by the love of her life. Strangely it felt like any other night. Talking about future while fussing over toes. But the next day was a huge deal! Ashley and Trent were to be sealed together forever. To be with each other to no end! Romance is love that lasts forever. And through a Temple marriage and sealing, that's where it all starts. 

But first we have to do our hair!! :) 

You are a bride today!! Pampering officially starts now! 

Work your magic Brittany! Let us fuss over your cute face Ash! 

Drop dead and ready to go! 

There goes the cavalry! Off you go, well see you at the Temple! 

Oh my heck. Quick side note here. Things got busy while trying to get out the door I almost didn't make it to the sealing. (face-palm) Thank goodness for really busy Temple days, Olivia to set the kids running with, and angel Temple workers who magically know my mother and recognize me as her daughter (who is lost from taking flowers to the bridal room and panicking) to rush me up to the floor where the sealing hasn't started yet!! Phew. There were tears, but we got through it!

But then more tears were came with no mercy as I watched those two be sealed! There was so much joy and radiance from these two people!! My heart was so full for her!! I love my family so much! 

Ashley showing exactly what she is feeling inside in that moment. This moment. Some time spent with Kate, Trent's mom, and they are one huge bundle of happiness. This is no doubt the best day! 

Prettiest little flower girl.

Cute Olivia! 

Love these people! 

All the darrrrling kiddos!! 
Graham's mouth is full of food. The only thing keeping him from crying! haha! 

Beautiful Grandma :) 

Some lovin' on Trent! Welcome to the brotherhood! 


The people Ashely and I dreamed about since we were little girls ;) 

Again, welcome to the brotherhood. Officially! 

D was like "How long have I been holding this??" Groomsmen probs. 

The chaos has just begun. But first a little break at the Lion House!

We were all starving! 

Ashley and Trent's Wedding Extravaganza: Prep Fun!

Ohhh now the fun is to begin :) All together and ready to party it up!! 

Haley totally did the splits out of nowhere when we took some pictures. I love how she surprises us and makes us all laugh!! She loves us, and we adore her!!

Just look at Olivia :) 

Every morning we followed Brittany and her HIT workout, and we were a sight let me tell you! Look at all of us hahaha! I'm sure the neighbors loved having us for nearly a month. And as per usual, the kids joined us in our activities. Whatever they may be. This is also where Trent showed us how buff he is by out crunching us by a thousand! 

We had music and everything. It really was a thing we did every morning. We called it BRIDAL BOOTCAMP. 

We missed Steve (Dad) a lot! He requested pictures almost hourly :) 

Keep the two youngest contained and entertained? Check. Happy and buddies? Check. 

Shopping time!! Well, every day had shopping time. But this was one of the more fun ones. 

Best mall with the best view. 

More cousins! Beckham and Graham shared everything. And they played so cute together! 

It was madness at Tammy's house, because not only did we have wedding soon to come...we also had a baby due!! Oh my heck, how much goodness can come of this trip! Corin was super done being pregnant and ready to pop! On one of our last nights of decoration prep, we were all cheering Corin on (quietly) as she sat in the room next to us just suffering through contractions that weren't getting her anywhere. It was so sad for her to have to get through those contactions when they were so sporadic.  She was hilarious because she didn't want to miss out on anything with us, so she just hung out with Landan in the living room by the kitchen! I just love her! Later that morning I walked upstairs and Brittany was rubbing her back while Tammy and Mom helped with the hard stuff. Labor is rough, but to have the support of women is so amazing! I wanted to take a picture so bad, it was really quite beautiful! Turns out she went through the worst of it at home before she got to the hospital, and then basically Maverick just popped out! Woo hoo! 

We were so sneaky and lied about the bachelorette party date to Ash. Instead we went out a day early, pretending to do our normal shopping plans...and then SUPRISE! We aint' goin' shopping sista, we goin' to LAGOON! haha!

Yaaayyy!!! Best day! 

Bangs + Wicked ride = above photo

The best thing about this bachelorette pic is that we got photobombed. 

These girls! We miss Jonathan XO 

Grandpas here!! 

Wedding stuff. All over. 

This is what life is about. Family. God is so loving to have given me such wonderful people in my life. 

Ashley's first time through the Temple. Tears of joy for this beautiful girl! 

Such an amazing day. 

We will make our own wedding video. And it will be good. Me and Britt were all over it. 

Steve has arrived!!! Grandma and Grandpa Smith are in Utah visiting too!! We spent a day at Aunt Lori's with Grandma and Grandpa to play! 

So dear :) 

We got some cute clothes from Grandma and Grandpa! We love dressing him up. 

Sorry Hudson! We all are making sacrifices to look our best on the wedding day! 

It has come! The wedding is tomorrow!!