Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Haley'sisit to Texas and Graham at 8 Months!

Having haley in Texas for two whole weeks was so grand! Haley's most deep rooted feelings link to her family. If there is any opportunity to visit any of her siblings outside home, then she packs her bags! Literally, she will pack her suitcase and tell mom she's leaving haha!! 

Lucky for her we were already all together for the 4th of July in Mississippi, and only two weeks later we would be caravanning through Dallas to get ready for Ashley and Trent's wedding in Utah! So when we brought up Haley extending her vacation in Texas for the rest of the time, it was a big YES from her and she was driving home with us!! Cayden and Addie even went home with Nonni and Grandpa! Haha everyone was going all different directions! 

On the way home it was a 6 hour drive, and every hour she kept asking if it was "Texas" yet.  She remembers what Texas was like when she came and visited Jonathan, Ashley, Steve, and I in San Antonio when we did summer sales there. She loved that trip too! 

By the way, she just turned 20. (jaw open) 

We call this the traveling santa portrait. First things first when we arrive, setting up her nightstand! I have no idea why she brings it, but she loves that picture! But she does always point out that she is grown up since then. So cute and hilarious! 

Haley loves babies and is a natural mom. Having two take care of Graham all day made things so much easier. Haha I'm serious. She gave me so much help that I wanted to keep her! 

For a portion of those two weeks Steve was in Kansas City looking for a place for us to live (we're moving) and so we had a lot of down time. So naturally...Zelda! Ugh I love that gammme! We beat the whole thing. If we weren't swimming at the pool, we were playing Zelda. Haley was so anxious to play it! When I had a hard time at some fighting or puzzle, she would get all jumpy and squeal. Playing time-limits were needed on ourselves or we would not be productive at all. She didn't like that so much sometimes haha.

Sisters :) 

Pool time yeahhh.  

We traveled north a couple of hours to visit Steve's Uncle and his family in Oklahoma. It was exciting to see family that was sooo close! It such a day of fun!! They live on a ranch and it was so pretty out there! We spent good time talking and catching up in the house, and then we went on some walks to tour the ranch a little bit. Haley kept asking if she could see the horses, and the older kids went out with her and let Haley pet some horses! Dream came true for her. 

Now, I want to draw attention to the photo above. Just take a look at little black dots in the wayyy out in the field too....those are grasshoppers. Big fat ones! Haha believe it or not there were more than just seen in this picture here. This season is always sooo bad with grasshoppers apparently. 

We ventured outside to check out one of the barns with a wild pig that one of the kids caught. We took the longer way walking on the road, and it wasn't too bad of an encounter with the grasshoppers. They prefer grass, but every now and then one would jump and bump into your leg. I would still jump and squeak a little but, ya know, do-able. Haley surprisingly did great, considering her dislike for anything creepy or crawling. Understandable. While looking at the pig in the barn, Haley did freak out about the little fly that was chasing her. I can't feel bad about that one, because thats just funny haha! 

On the way back to the house again...things got crazy. It must have been the boys that lead everyone back, but we all just started making our way back to the house through the field...where it was grass hopper city! All I remember thinking was I had to be brave, just so I don't embarrass myself! And also because I was holding my baby, and I didn't want to send him flying...actually now I think that was the reason I didn't go crazy! Wow those motherly instincts do kick in at the right time! Haha. But let me paint the picture for a second. 

With every step you take at least 10 grasshoppers jump from underneath you, and at the same time your feeling several bump into your back, arm, chest, head! I couldn't even think about any of them actually clinging onto me. For someone like me who hates bugs period, and has a difficult time snorkeling with fish, this is just madness people!!

The reason for this big long story, is because I witnessed something that I will remember for the rest of my life. Haley vs. Grasshoppers. 

At first Haley clings to my arm, jumping so high that I can't even balance myself right. Screaming at every step. I just know things are getting worse for her. She decides to make a break for Steve, who is 15 steps ahead of us, and she takes off. Bounding toward Steve, she finally gets to him and almost climbs up him arm. Then we get into what I like to call as a "grasshopper cloud", where things get their worst. By this time some of the girls are done being brave (me) and start running/screaming/laughing the rest of the way to the house! And just as we break through the insanity which was "the cloud", I see Haley, ditching Steve's arm now and is bolting to the house. If someone said that girl could fly, I wouldn't doubt them. I don't think there is a word for what I saw, but the hilarity of the sight is something that I can picture perfectly in my head today. Her legs seemed as if they were permanently out sideways as she leaped/soared through that field. Her arms followed the same rhythm and they reached up so high, I swear she touched a cloud at one point. The dedication to get out of there, and get out of there quick was determination at its finest. I'm laughing right now, just thinking about it! If she had known what she was getting into, she would have gone through all stops to avoid a situation like this. Haha! Overall both of us conquoured a huge fear. I was brave (so proud of myself by the way) and I got to see one of Haley's most shining moments. And it was glorious. 

Haley makes friends so easily! She's also super short haha. 

So tired. And I must point out that we really do love ChickfilA that much. 

Steve is such a teaser! He knows how to push her buttons, but we have proof that she really does love him! :) 

Such a girly girl, shopping is a must :) 

I'm so upset that I didn't get around to talking about Graham as an 8 month old. Things are just flying past us and he is changing so much. But I will try and remember some of my favorite parts about that age with Graham.

For one he had been crawling for a while, and his new found mobility was giving him all sorts of freedom! He would also cruise along furiture and I was starting to get a glimpse of his curiosity.

His hair was so blond at 8 months. I think also that the sun may have lightened it some too. Only because Steve and I have dark hair, I didn't ever imagine having a blond baby.  Steve had blond hair as a baby, so kind of a surprise but also not really haha.

Along with chewing everything in sight, including the edges of the carpet (yuck!) he followed me around everywhere! I was, and still am treasuring that part about my child being young and really wanting me to be around like that. It makes my heart swell! Love him so much. 

This little photo shesh was so funny because when we went down to the pool, I was counting on Haley to help me keep Graham where I wanted him to be, so I could focus on learning my new camera settings. She just plopped herself down on the pool chair and  started to relax and I was taking pictures and trying to get Graham to look at me and hold still. I finally turned to her and said "Haley! Come on, you're supposed to help me!" And she just busted out laughing and said something that I couldn't really understand, but she basically said "Lexi, you do it! Graham is a lot of work and it was you're idea to try and make him hold still for pictures! No baby wants to do that, and I want to relax and enjoy the moment!" Oh my gosh. It was both enlightening and funny. You're right Haley, sometimes as a mom I get caught up in the unimportant things. Yes maybe having some cute pictures would be nice to have, but sometimes I need to put down the camera and just enjoy my child. And that can go for other aspects in life. Just slow down.

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