Sunday, October 20, 2013

Just 1 Week Away!

This is my last week! I only have 6 days left! Yup that's it, 6 days! Last week of it being just the two of us...and my last week of being pregnant! Hallelujah!

 Me at 39 Weeks:

I'm now 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced!!! Things are really moving along here! When I got checked she said she was surprised I haven't gone into labor yet, or at least that I haven't felt any pain.  Just uncomfortable is all I have been feeling, which I have gotten used to at this point. At least I have covered some ground for when I am actually in labor. 2 cm down- 8cm to go!

So, I have this weird feeling that this baby is going to come before his due date...I could be wrong but it's just a weird feeling. Of course that leaves Steve on the edge of his seat. Especially when he is at work! Haha. But that also leaves my Mom and Ashley on the edge of their seats too! Because they are flying up in this next week to be here when he is born, and we are cutting it close to his due date! And if I keep progressing like I am, I could go into labor before they get here! Noooooo! I'm actually trying to avoid those "old wives tales" that people use to get their labor going. Haha! Silly of me to think that I can prevent the inevitable force of nature.  But spicy foods or long walks for me! At least until Mom and Ash get here :) But of course this all can totally backfire on me, and he might come late haha!

With that said my midwives would like to naturally induce me with a membrane sweep at my next appointment.*breath Lexi breath  It's a great way to naturally get your labor going. It works for some women, and not so much for others but it's not bad to try. So I scheduled my next appointment for the day my Mom and Ash are in town haha! It's the day before his due date, so we'll see what happens!

My midwife tried to guess his size at my last appointment. By feeling him as much as she could, and she said that he is actually a decent size! Not too big, but not too little either. He should be a nice baby to work with :) lets hope she is right!

She noticed that he is pretty far down in my pelvis, but his bum and legs are still high up in my rib cage and she was a little surprised. Maybe that means he is a long little guy?

Still feeling nervous about labor. I tend to think about it a lot and I have a lot of mixed emotions about it. But it's generally excitement!

I can't make it halfway up the stairs without searching for my breath. It's getting to be really bad! My heartburn and breathlessness has taken a leap this week :(

My goal is to enjoy this last week. Someone gave me that advice yesterday, and I truly want to use it. Use my day to relax, and do things that would be harder to do my little one. She told me to take naps, pamper myself (gladly!), and do things that will be harder to do with my little one. But to add to that, I want to appreciate what it's like to be pregnant. Appreciate the miracle of growing a little baby inside of me, and feeling him move. Because it will be just me again soon! It sounds weird but I might miss that part of pregnancy, because it's just so amazing! So I want to cherish the feelings I have much as I want him out!

Thinking that I could have this baby this week, my "nesting" instincts are all up in a flare! I'm not pacing around or doing anything super out of the ordinary. But I do have this strong desire to get things (everything) cleaned up /orgainized/ready to go for when Graham is here! I have been doing a TON of cleaning while Steve has been at work, just in case I guess. It takes twice as long to bend down and pick up stuff, not to mention I take breaks (a lot) so a head start was a good idea in my opinion. I had Steve clean the car and install the carseat, and we have now packed a hospital bag!! It now sits in the back of the car ready to go. I also wrote down a list of last minute things to grab and things to do before heading to the hospital. I have always really like lists, so this is totally normal haha!

I like to guess what this baby is going to look like. I have been looking at these two pictures of us as babies and trying to merge the two together haha. Hard to imagine but fun to try! Who is he going to look like??

Me on the right! Almost every baby picture I have is with Ashley haha! Weird to think that this baby might resemble Ashley too!  

Isn't this just the cutest baby in a tux you have ever seen? 

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